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​28 Aug 2024 Youtube  Brittany Taylor interviews David King (AEIMN) "Incidents Involving Large Animals in Transit"

​​04 July 2024  NSW SES Takes Animal Rescue to the World​​​

05 May 2023 Animal rescue experts meet to share skills Radio National News Breakfast

02 May 2023 Animal experts meet in Sydney to share skills and stories (NSW SES)

28  April 2023 Helping equine vets become ‘emergency ready’ at the EVA Emergency Workshop  EVA

22 Sept 2022  Animal rescue in extreme weather events (Vet Practice Magazine)

14 Aug 2022    Help build the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) Animals in Disaster Handbook

14 Aug 2022     New Skills Standards in Companion Animal Incident Management available online

05  July 2022    AFAC news story announcing LARO Guidelines

01 June 2022  AISC Communique - Companion Animal Incident Management endorsed

16 Jan  2022   Website launch media release

The Vet Expo Melbourne 2023. Prof. Josh Slater
Aust. Vet Assoc. Conference Melbourne 2024. 
Dr Tash Bassett, Prof. Josh Slater
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